Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cyanide & Happiness :)

I haven't written anything in awhile, eh?

Yeah, I know it's lame. I know all of my readers (all one of them :3) missed me and all my crazy whatevers.
So anyways, not too much has really gone on. I found out some new stuff like stretches called CRAC. My sister and I have been going on nonstop with jokes for that. Oh, and I found a new one. There's Methionine in our DNA. METHionine. So we're having fun with that too. New things are always fun to learn, right?

Oh! Right, there's the possibility that I may be going to the UK! For reals this time though, rather than just saying it and not doing it. I'm coming to rock the UK and they can't stop me! Bwaha!
Okay, but seriously I'm excited to go.

I've also decided to learn the guitar, become a famous guitarist in a band, and wear crazy 9 inch heels in plum purple and glitter, with crazy skirts and long hair, and I've already picked an alias. BUT! I will not say what it is because I don't want anyone stealing it from me, because it totally fits me and me only. I doubt any of that will happen (at least the getting famous part), but I can dream about it. I've got other plans to try to earn it a different way though, so ha! I laugh in the face of...reality. :D

Anyways, moving on.
So I've been having some crazy dreams lately, about some people that I'd rather not go back to. Don't know why, but eh. So that's that.

I think I'll be back later to write some more when I remember, because I'm sure there's a lot. Oh, and about the title, I love that comic.
www.explosm.net, yo. :D