Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh yes :D

Okay, so it's been literally like forever since I've written here. I just forget to write about my daily adventures so often. Ah, but this time things are important. I haven't been to the UK (I bet they thank God for that lol. I'll get there sooner or later), I spoke to an old "friend" that I wasn't friends with anymore and we saw a movie, I survived my second year of high school and passed Driver's Ed, and I even drove a car on the road! :D

Also, my best friend invited me to Military Ball. :DDD
That is the exciting part.

My friend wrote about her experience at the ball in her blog, and she wasn't very happy with it. I remember her telling me about it the day after she went, and I felt bad.

The reason this is so important is because I was asked right after I was saying how I'd never get asked to an important dance in HS. Wait, wait, wait. For those of you that don't know, apparently Military Ball is the JROTC's super exclusive, invite-only dance that's more important than Prom. That's right, the first dance I was asked to is more important than a Prom. :'D I was walking around the mall with my sisters and my mom, and we walked by the prom dresses and I remember thinking to myself how I would never have a reason to ever buy a dress like that. And then...bang. I was asked. I had to make sure I was either still alive or not dreaming. From that day, I smiled all throughout the rest of the week, up until that Thursday, when another pinch-worthy moment occurred. :D
And it went something like this:

So I was teasing my date about going to a party on Saturday. It was a girl's party, so of course I did the whole, "do you like her?" tease. (I will underline what he said, so it's easier.)
     “What’s that?” I asked because he kept looking at a paper.
“Oh, it’s the directions for my friend’s party. She’s going away.”
“Oooh, do you like her?”
“Yes you do, you like her, don’t you?”
“No, well she’s pretty, yes, but I don’t like her.”
“Yes you do!”
“I like her as a friend!”
“Nope, you like-like her! You just said you liked her when you said she was pretty!”
“No, I was just saying she’s pretty!
“Well…do you think [friend's name] is pretty?”
“Well, in a way, yes.”
“Oh. Is everyone just pretty to you?”
“Well you’re gorgeous to me.”

And I literally had no idea what to say after that. I mean, he's my best friend. I can't tell if he's just being friendly or if he likes me. Ever since 8th grade, people have told us that we make such a cute couple and that we're adorable together and whatnot, and now I wonder if it's true. Even my female best friend asked me why he and I just didn't date each other, and I told her it was because we didn't like each other like that. Although, I somewhat did a little. I just don't think he liked me like that, and now he likes this other girl (HS drama time, yes), but he says he's liked her for 4 years. Get this though: she's dating his best friend, with FULL knowledge that he (my best friend) liked her WAAYYYY before his friend did. She literally said "ew" when I told her that he liked her. She said, "I know, but I don't like him. I like [his best friend]."

But sometimes I wonder. He doesn't talk to her the way he talks to me, or interacts with us the same way or whatever.

He says I'm lucky. This past weekend, I met his mom for the first time, and she really, REALLY liked me. Like she told me she loved me when she went home. She even says that we're cute together. And his twin brother says the same thing. Anyways, my BF(best friend, duh) says I'm lucky  because most of his female friends that meet his mom don't go over well; his mom never likes them. But she loved me. LOVED. Along with his grandma. My other female friend also says that we act like we like each other. Everyone around us says that. My whole family, our friends, his own twin and mom, everyone.

It's like one of those classic stories where the best friends belong together but they're the only ones that don't see it. It's also a weird chain situation, you know where the one friend likes a boy who likes another girl who likes his best friend who doesn't care. Something like that. But anyways.

At least I get to call him my date one day out of the year. :D

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