Omg, okay now it's literally been too long since I've actually updated this, but now I have two reasons to do so: to gush about my night yesterday, and to alert all my readers about a new (new to me anyways) snapshot program called SnapIt. I'll get to that eventually, but first, I'm gonna talk about the level of epicness my first dance achieved.
So! To start off, I went with my date, his brother, his date, and their sister. I had both boys come to my door to pick me up and it was awesome because they were both so handsome in their uniforms. Like SO handsome. I can't even exaggerate it enough. All the boys..ahem, young men..that night looked so amazing, the whole thing was just amazing. I'm still too amazed to even write about it properly. And yeah, all the people that already know what a Military Ball is will probably be all like, "omg it's not even a big deal, calm down." but no, this is a big deal to me. It's a HUGE deal to me. I saw a lot of old friends who are now taller than me (thank God) and grew up to be so adorable. I won't tell them that, but yeah. I also made some new friends. And I met two awesome girls there (everyone was awesome, but these two take the cake). They were loud, they were random, and they most certainly didn't care who thought what about it. I love people like that, especially since I have no idea how they do it. I also met two girls with the same name, and I told them I'm usually the quiet type, and they said I don't look like it which surprised me because I've always been the quiet one. I take that as a compliment that I don't look like the quiet type, it makes me smile (: It also makes me smile that everyone said I was pretty, and my one friend said I looked great :D Oh gosh, I can't wait until next year. There was dancing (I suck at dancing so I pretty much just wandered around the dance floor with other people), and strobe lights (loved it) and creme brulee (not so great...), and everyone had such pretty dresses. Next year, I'm getting mine sooner because my date was a little picky, and I was a little picky, and the one I wanted cost too much, and the one he wanted wasn't the one I wanted xD but it all worked out, he liked the dress and said I was gorgeous (or something like that, I think) and I got to hold his hand (: that's also a big deal to me because I've never held hands with anyone, so yeah it meant a lot, even if it was just my best friend. I won't tell him that though haha Oh! And then my date's brother won the um...I think it was Junior Prince or King or something like that.
Okay, so I got home at about midnight, and then this guy that (claims he) likes me (I don't think so) calls and asks how the night went. I told him, and he ends up crying. Crying because my date is a sweetheart and actually shows it when he sees me, not just when he thinks it's what I want him to do. Also because I made him feel bad about adding sluts on Facebook. All he ever adds on there now is girls. Wtf. Someone needs to teach him a lesson about doing that, and it looks like I'm going to be the one to do it. So the next girl that comes along doesn't have to deal with it, because she won't put up with it. I'm not putting up with it, I'm getting frustrated with it, and I tell him. I'm not saying he can't have friends or who to add, but it shouldn't just be sluts. Sheesh, he gets so bad to where we argue like an old married couple and we aren't even dating! Why not? Because we dated once and he f'ed that up for another girl, so I really don't like him like that anymore, I just don't know how to tell him. Now he wants me back, but he can't have me and I really don't believe him when he says stuff like that, and I tell him I don't believe him. Yes, even while he's crying. He's not one that always cries (apparently), so he doesn't just cry for nothing. But he needs to stop befriending hookers and sluts and strippers and girls at Hooters because NO GIRL will put up with that. Unless she's like...I dunno. Okay, some girls may put up with it, but not me. If he's doing that, I'm gonna start adding male strippers and stuff. K, no I won't. But I sure got him good by telling him about everyone at the ball, that should've taught him at least a little. It probably didn't. He told me once that, "there are other pretty girls in the world besides just you, y'know." See what I deal with? You don't say that to a girl you "like"! I didn't mean to make him cry though, I'm not that mean. But...
The whole night worked out amazingly. (:
P.S. There is a program called SnapIt that everyone should try out if you like snapping shots of your computer screen! Don't be like Technologically Impaired Duck and snap pictures of your screen with your old cell phone, do it right! Like a pro! Snap moving videos (or whatever else moves)! Snap regular pictures! Snap into a Slim Jim! Okay, no that was lame. Funny, but lame. Anyways, they're also doing a giveaway for all you readers that create a review for it in any blog/forum/twitter/facebook, etc. Let me know if you do, because she needs to have a link to the review and she'll issue a registration code for it! It's super cool, supports hotkeys, auto-saving, auto-naming, saving files in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF, and it auto-saves captured images to the clipboard. Super easy to use, and everything. (:
Here's a link to the site:
Screen Capture Software
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