Monday, January 30, 2012

Blanchisserie Pour Les Soeurs

That's right! Sunday Laundry Day. My sister and I were *supposed* to do her 7 baskets of laundry, but her boyfriend was in the way with his sleeping and being no fun and such. He didn't even want to play any board games with us. That loser, right? Oh well, we had fun. We played the Game of Life, and I won the first time, while she was in $600,000 of debt. She bought a house, I didn't. I didn't even upgrade to an actual car, I had a skateboard. I raised a family of four on a skateboard with an $18,000 a year salary. All was right with the world, then we decided to play again. I didn't do so hot that time. She was a multimillionaire with a house and family and a car. I actually bought a car this time (still no house), raised a family of four again as a model making $300,000 a year, and seemed to be doing fine. Then I lost the lottery AND got evicted! FROM MY CAR.
Yeah...good times! Then we played Scattergories and she won that too, but that's because she knows stuff that I don't and she can remember all the states, while I really can't. But! I did remember that there were two cities called Salem. One in Oregon and one in Massachusetts. Salem always reminds me of Hocus Pocus, but I don't think that's what the cat's name was. It was from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. But anyways.

So today was one of my less eventful days. My shoe came off when I got out of the car, that was great. We made quesadillas, and I watched Stealth for the first time. Good movie, good movie. I really wanted to watch Frequency though, that movie is pretty good too. Oh, and I saw my bearded lizard buddy, but he had crickets with him, so I didn't want to take him out of his cage thing because crickets are gross and have big eyes.

Oh yeah, omg. My brother (yes, the one from the Gas station that time) was joking around about Mil. Ball and said, "You better not have touched any military balls!" and me, being the perfect little angel sister said back, "well I could've." Wait for it...wait for it..."JUST KIDDING!!" I just wanted to see the look on his face, it's funny how fast he stopped laughing to do his little half smirk/smile thing.

I was kidding when I said that, but judging by how he gets now, I'm gonna be like 75 before I can even look at a guy. And no everyone, he is not the typical older brother. He is too protective with situations like that, he will literally APPROACH A GUY that I think is cute, and tell him to his face to get away from me. And I'm just like, "Really? Are you really serious?" Yeah, he's really serious. Like I said, I'll be like 75 before I can even look at a guy. And with the way my mom and sister are, they'll have burned it into my mind that all guys are bad, horrid creatures. Yeah, a lot of them are, but I always felt like there was at least one that didn't suck. I always wanted to be that girl that had the one like that, who I actually married and was happy with. For like...literally ever. Like the vows say. But my Photo teacher Freshman Year gave me an idea. His wife, when they got married, took out the part about "til death do us part." Oh no, she said he's hers even after death. She had the right idea, haha. But yeah...I wanted to be the one that was different and didn't just end up with a loser and his kids. Like...okay, everyone should know what I mean, gosh.

I say intelligence is like the sexiest thing a guy can have. Random fact, just putting it out there. (: Smile is important too, though.

My birthday is coming up too, btw!

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