Friday, November 19, 2010

Grow Up

Does anybody think it's possible out of love?
Like I know that sounds weird, but I mean...when you grow up and you're in love with someone, should that change the way you feel about them? The growing up part, should that change your mind?

The same with friends too though.
I got a text message from my sister-in-law today, and it said,
"True friends are like buttcheeks. There may be a lot of crap between them, but they always stick together." Chyeah, that's not how we all think of friendship, but I guarantee that now we'll all remember this text and use it to specify just how close we are to our friends.
Time apart...or growing up shouldn't change your friendship, right? Or even if you get some new friends, it shouldn't change the way you feel about each other. And like the text says, even with all that crap in between, you should stay together. Put the past where it goes, which is in the past. Right?

...So then why is it my friends that decide to put me in the past? Like I'm the crap that was in between them and other people?

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