Monday, January 30, 2012

Blanchisserie Pour Les Soeurs

That's right! Sunday Laundry Day. My sister and I were *supposed* to do her 7 baskets of laundry, but her boyfriend was in the way with his sleeping and being no fun and such. He didn't even want to play any board games with us. That loser, right? Oh well, we had fun. We played the Game of Life, and I won the first time, while she was in $600,000 of debt. She bought a house, I didn't. I didn't even upgrade to an actual car, I had a skateboard. I raised a family of four on a skateboard with an $18,000 a year salary. All was right with the world, then we decided to play again. I didn't do so hot that time. She was a multimillionaire with a house and family and a car. I actually bought a car this time (still no house), raised a family of four again as a model making $300,000 a year, and seemed to be doing fine. Then I lost the lottery AND got evicted! FROM MY CAR.
Yeah...good times! Then we played Scattergories and she won that too, but that's because she knows stuff that I don't and she can remember all the states, while I really can't. But! I did remember that there were two cities called Salem. One in Oregon and one in Massachusetts. Salem always reminds me of Hocus Pocus, but I don't think that's what the cat's name was. It was from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. But anyways.

So today was one of my less eventful days. My shoe came off when I got out of the car, that was great. We made quesadillas, and I watched Stealth for the first time. Good movie, good movie. I really wanted to watch Frequency though, that movie is pretty good too. Oh, and I saw my bearded lizard buddy, but he had crickets with him, so I didn't want to take him out of his cage thing because crickets are gross and have big eyes.

Oh yeah, omg. My brother (yes, the one from the Gas station that time) was joking around about Mil. Ball and said, "You better not have touched any military balls!" and me, being the perfect little angel sister said back, "well I could've." Wait for it...wait for it..."JUST KIDDING!!" I just wanted to see the look on his face, it's funny how fast he stopped laughing to do his little half smirk/smile thing.

I was kidding when I said that, but judging by how he gets now, I'm gonna be like 75 before I can even look at a guy. And no everyone, he is not the typical older brother. He is too protective with situations like that, he will literally APPROACH A GUY that I think is cute, and tell him to his face to get away from me. And I'm just like, "Really? Are you really serious?" Yeah, he's really serious. Like I said, I'll be like 75 before I can even look at a guy. And with the way my mom and sister are, they'll have burned it into my mind that all guys are bad, horrid creatures. Yeah, a lot of them are, but I always felt like there was at least one that didn't suck. I always wanted to be that girl that had the one like that, who I actually married and was happy with. For like...literally ever. Like the vows say. But my Photo teacher Freshman Year gave me an idea. His wife, when they got married, took out the part about "til death do us part." Oh no, she said he's hers even after death. She had the right idea, haha. But yeah...I wanted to be the one that was different and didn't just end up with a loser and his kids. Like...okay, everyone should know what I mean, gosh.

I say intelligence is like the sexiest thing a guy can have. Random fact, just putting it out there. (: Smile is important too, though.

My birthday is coming up too, btw!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Military Ball Night!

Omg, okay now it's literally been too long since I've actually updated this, but now I have two reasons to do so: to gush about my night yesterday, and to alert all my readers about a new (new to me anyways) snapshot program called SnapIt. I'll get to that eventually, but first, I'm gonna talk about the level of epicness my first dance achieved.

So! To start off, I went with my date, his brother, his date, and their sister. I had both boys come to my door to pick me up and it was awesome because they were both so handsome in their uniforms. Like SO handsome. I can't even exaggerate it enough. All the boys..ahem, young men..that night looked so amazing, the whole thing was just amazing. I'm still too amazed to even write about it properly. And yeah, all the people that already know what a Military Ball is will probably be all like, "omg it's not even a big deal, calm down." but no, this is a big deal to me. It's a HUGE deal to me. I saw a lot of old friends who are now taller than me (thank God) and grew up to be so adorable. I won't tell them that, but yeah. I also made some new friends. And I met two awesome girls there (everyone was awesome, but these two take the cake). They were loud, they were random, and they most certainly didn't care who thought what about it. I love people like that, especially since I have no idea how they do it. I also met two girls with the same name, and I told them I'm usually the quiet type, and they said I don't look like it which surprised me because I've always been the quiet one. I take that as a compliment that I don't look like the quiet type, it makes me smile (: It also makes me smile that everyone said I was pretty, and my one friend said I looked great :D Oh gosh, I can't wait until next year. There was dancing (I suck at dancing so I pretty much just wandered around the dance floor with other people), and strobe lights (loved it) and creme brulee (not so great...), and everyone had such pretty dresses. Next year, I'm getting mine sooner because my date was a little picky, and I was a little picky, and the one I wanted cost too much, and the one he wanted wasn't the one I wanted xD but it all worked out, he liked the dress and said I was gorgeous (or something like that, I think) and I got to hold his hand (: that's also a big deal to me because I've never held hands with anyone, so yeah it meant a lot, even if it was just my best friend. I won't tell him that though haha Oh! And then my date's brother won the um...I think it was Junior Prince or King or something like that.

Okay, so I got home at about midnight, and then this guy that (claims he) likes me (I don't think so) calls and asks how the night went. I told him, and he ends up crying. Crying because my date is a sweetheart and actually shows it when he sees me, not just when he thinks it's what I want him to do. Also because I made him feel bad about adding sluts on Facebook. All he ever adds on there now is girls. Wtf. Someone needs to teach him a lesson about doing that, and it looks like I'm going to be the one to do it. So the next girl that comes along doesn't have to deal with it, because she won't put up with it. I'm not putting up with it, I'm getting frustrated with it, and I tell him. I'm not saying he can't have friends or who to add, but it shouldn't just be sluts. Sheesh, he gets so bad to where we argue like an old married couple and we aren't even dating! Why not? Because we dated once and he f'ed that up for another girl, so I really don't like him like that anymore, I just don't know how to tell him. Now he wants me back, but he can't have me and I really don't believe him when he says stuff like that, and I tell him I don't believe him. Yes, even while he's crying. He's not one that always cries (apparently), so he doesn't just cry for nothing. But he needs to stop befriending hookers and sluts and strippers and girls at Hooters because NO GIRL will put up with that. Unless she's like...I dunno. Okay, some girls may put up with it, but not me. If he's doing that, I'm gonna start adding male strippers and stuff. K, no I won't. But I sure got him good by telling him about everyone at the ball, that should've taught him at least a little. It probably didn't. He told me once that, "there are other pretty girls in the world besides just you, y'know." See what I deal with? You don't say that to a girl you "like"! I didn't mean to make him cry though, I'm not that mean. But...

The whole night worked out amazingly. (:

P.S. There is a program called SnapIt that everyone should try out if you like snapping shots of your computer screen! Don't be like Technologically Impaired Duck and snap pictures of your screen with your old cell phone, do it right! Like a pro! Snap moving videos (or whatever else moves)! Snap regular pictures! Snap into a Slim Jim! Okay, no that was lame. Funny, but lame. Anyways, they're also doing a giveaway for all you readers that create a review for it in any blog/forum/twitter/facebook, etc. Let me know if you do, because she needs to have a link to the review and she'll issue a registration code for it! It's super cool, supports hotkeys, auto-saving, auto-naming, saving files in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF, and it auto-saves captured images to the clipboard. Super easy to use, and everything. (:
Here's a link to the site:
Screen Capture Software

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh yes :D

Okay, so it's been literally like forever since I've written here. I just forget to write about my daily adventures so often. Ah, but this time things are important. I haven't been to the UK (I bet they thank God for that lol. I'll get there sooner or later), I spoke to an old "friend" that I wasn't friends with anymore and we saw a movie, I survived my second year of high school and passed Driver's Ed, and I even drove a car on the road! :D

Also, my best friend invited me to Military Ball. :DDD
That is the exciting part.

My friend wrote about her experience at the ball in her blog, and she wasn't very happy with it. I remember her telling me about it the day after she went, and I felt bad.

The reason this is so important is because I was asked right after I was saying how I'd never get asked to an important dance in HS. Wait, wait, wait. For those of you that don't know, apparently Military Ball is the JROTC's super exclusive, invite-only dance that's more important than Prom. That's right, the first dance I was asked to is more important than a Prom. :'D I was walking around the mall with my sisters and my mom, and we walked by the prom dresses and I remember thinking to myself how I would never have a reason to ever buy a dress like that. And then...bang. I was asked. I had to make sure I was either still alive or not dreaming. From that day, I smiled all throughout the rest of the week, up until that Thursday, when another pinch-worthy moment occurred. :D
And it went something like this:

So I was teasing my date about going to a party on Saturday. It was a girl's party, so of course I did the whole, "do you like her?" tease. (I will underline what he said, so it's easier.)
     “What’s that?” I asked because he kept looking at a paper.
“Oh, it’s the directions for my friend’s party. She’s going away.”
“Oooh, do you like her?”
“Yes you do, you like her, don’t you?”
“No, well she’s pretty, yes, but I don’t like her.”
“Yes you do!”
“I like her as a friend!”
“Nope, you like-like her! You just said you liked her when you said she was pretty!”
“No, I was just saying she’s pretty!
“Well…do you think [friend's name] is pretty?”
“Well, in a way, yes.”
“Oh. Is everyone just pretty to you?”
“Well you’re gorgeous to me.”

And I literally had no idea what to say after that. I mean, he's my best friend. I can't tell if he's just being friendly or if he likes me. Ever since 8th grade, people have told us that we make such a cute couple and that we're adorable together and whatnot, and now I wonder if it's true. Even my female best friend asked me why he and I just didn't date each other, and I told her it was because we didn't like each other like that. Although, I somewhat did a little. I just don't think he liked me like that, and now he likes this other girl (HS drama time, yes), but he says he's liked her for 4 years. Get this though: she's dating his best friend, with FULL knowledge that he (my best friend) liked her WAAYYYY before his friend did. She literally said "ew" when I told her that he liked her. She said, "I know, but I don't like him. I like [his best friend]."

But sometimes I wonder. He doesn't talk to her the way he talks to me, or interacts with us the same way or whatever.

He says I'm lucky. This past weekend, I met his mom for the first time, and she really, REALLY liked me. Like she told me she loved me when she went home. She even says that we're cute together. And his twin brother says the same thing. Anyways, my BF(best friend, duh) says I'm lucky  because most of his female friends that meet his mom don't go over well; his mom never likes them. But she loved me. LOVED. Along with his grandma. My other female friend also says that we act like we like each other. Everyone around us says that. My whole family, our friends, his own twin and mom, everyone.

It's like one of those classic stories where the best friends belong together but they're the only ones that don't see it. It's also a weird chain situation, you know where the one friend likes a boy who likes another girl who likes his best friend who doesn't care. Something like that. But anyways.

At least I get to call him my date one day out of the year. :D

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cyanide & Happiness :)

I haven't written anything in awhile, eh?

Yeah, I know it's lame. I know all of my readers (all one of them :3) missed me and all my crazy whatevers.
So anyways, not too much has really gone on. I found out some new stuff like stretches called CRAC. My sister and I have been going on nonstop with jokes for that. Oh, and I found a new one. There's Methionine in our DNA. METHionine. So we're having fun with that too. New things are always fun to learn, right?

Oh! Right, there's the possibility that I may be going to the UK! For reals this time though, rather than just saying it and not doing it. I'm coming to rock the UK and they can't stop me! Bwaha!
Okay, but seriously I'm excited to go.

I've also decided to learn the guitar, become a famous guitarist in a band, and wear crazy 9 inch heels in plum purple and glitter, with crazy skirts and long hair, and I've already picked an alias. BUT! I will not say what it is because I don't want anyone stealing it from me, because it totally fits me and me only. I doubt any of that will happen (at least the getting famous part), but I can dream about it. I've got other plans to try to earn it a different way though, so ha! I laugh in the face of...reality. :D

Anyways, moving on.
So I've been having some crazy dreams lately, about some people that I'd rather not go back to. Don't know why, but eh. So that's that.

I think I'll be back later to write some more when I remember, because I'm sure there's a lot. Oh, and about the title, I love that comic., yo. :D

Friday, November 19, 2010

Grow Up

Does anybody think it's possible out of love?
Like I know that sounds weird, but I mean...when you grow up and you're in love with someone, should that change the way you feel about them? The growing up part, should that change your mind?

The same with friends too though.
I got a text message from my sister-in-law today, and it said,
"True friends are like buttcheeks. There may be a lot of crap between them, but they always stick together." Chyeah, that's not how we all think of friendship, but I guarantee that now we'll all remember this text and use it to specify just how close we are to our friends.
Time apart...or growing up shouldn't change your friendship, right? Or even if you get some new friends, it shouldn't change the way you feel about each other. And like the text says, even with all that crap in between, you should stay together. Put the past where it goes, which is in the past. Right?

...So then why is it my friends that decide to put me in the past? Like I'm the crap that was in between them and other people?

Welcome to McDonald's, Can I offer you a J-Mac?

So I just found out that Jesse McCartney now calls himself J-Mac? When did that happen, and what the freak is he going through? J-Mac? Really?

"Oh hey, what are you listening to?"
"Oh just some J-Mac."

And that's what would go down.
Was he at McDonald's when he decided it? Maybe eating a Big Mac?
First bite: "Oh-em-eff-gee, dad! I want my stage name to be J-Mac!!" *Squeals like a 3 year old*
Dad: "wtfbbq."

Because that's what it sounds like. Like a freakin' McDonald's "throw back" food. "Oh, I'll take a J-Mac, a large fry, and a diet soda."

No. No, Jesse. No.
I didn't like you much before either, but now...just no.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Volksbug, no slug backs!

Now to pick on my mom.
She's the best one to write about. :D
(If you ever read this, I love you, mom!)

Anyone else ever played "Slug Bug"?
Yeah, I bet you've never played it the way I do. New rules every five seconds, according to the players in our car. Here they are:

1. If you call a slug bug and it's not really a slug bug, you're disqualified for the rest of the week
2. If you and another person call the same one at the same time, you have to start playing "Pinch, no pinch backs!" and continuously pinch each other until one of you wins.
3. It's perfectly fair to call a slug bug that has already been called as long as it's driving in a different direction than when it was originally called.
4. My favorite. "Make pretend slug bug, no make pretend slug backs!"
5. I lied. My favorite really is, "Volksbug, no slhfyrgkjkd backs!" Because when you play with us, it gets intense. And when you start f*ing up your words, it's ON.

My mom made these. On the spur of the moment, when she felt like it. She still does. Every day, when we least expect it. Bwaha!
Yeah. I dare you to beat that. :)